
linxnews 5/18.

 here is the last linxbox linxsnews for 2018..

Umweltschutz: Österreich will auch Mikroplastik in Kosmetika verbieten
Scientists can read rats' MINDS and predict what they will do next after mapping their brains
Smartphones have driven hospital admissions for stress and anxiety to rise by 37% in the past decade as people never 'switch off'
Ungleichheit in Kitas: Männliche Erzieher arbeiten häufiger befristet
Legalising cannabis will mean one million youngsters would try it and 100,000 people would become addicted to the drug, think tank warns
Drugs industry is facing crackdown for encouraging doctors to over-prescribe as Health Secretary orders review into Britain's pill addiction
These 11 Companies Control Everything You Buy
Google Approves App For Muslims to Report People Who Commit Blasphemy, Insult Islam
One Step Closer: The Legal Expansion of Industrial Hemp
Judenhass: Bundesweite Meldestelle soll antisemitische Übergriffe dokumentieren
Arzneien zur Senkung des Cholesterinspiegels schwächen die Muskeln sowie das Nervensystem
Schlimmer als erwartet

Frauen-Gehälter: Professorinnen bekommen im Schnitt 650 Euro weniger
25 Basic Life Skills That Should Be Taught In School (But Aren’t) | Prepper
Mexico hunts female assassin who stepped off motorbike and EXECUTED five young men before disappearing
Agrarwende jetzt – für gesunde Lebensmittel und gegen multiresistente Keime
Former university lecturer, 32, becomes first patient in Britain to be prescribed cannabis by a doctor after it was legalised for medical...
4.12. Frankfurt: Wegen der Dringlichkeit zur Erinnerung: Warum wir Frieden und Freundschaft mit Russland brauchen
Meghan Markle will focus on helping women in developing countries when she announces her first royal charity patronages next year
Medizinischer Durchbruch: Brasilianerin erhält Gebärmutter einer Toten - und bringt gesundes Kind zur Welt
Scientists create mind-boggling 'liquid crystal' that gets THICKER when stretched and could revolutionise body armour and medical equipment
Umweltschutz: Österreich will auch Mikroplastik in Kosmetika verbieten
Scientists can read rats' MINDS and predict what they will do next after mapping their brains
Smartphones have driven hospital admissions for stress and anxiety to rise by 37% in the past decade as people never 'switch off'
Ungleichheit in Kitas: Männliche Erzieher arbeiten häufiger befristet
Legalising cannabis will mean one million youngsters would try it and 100,000 people would become addicted to the drug, think tank warns
Drugs industry is facing crackdown for encouraging doctors to over-prescribe as Health Secretary orders review into Britain's pill addiction
These 11 Companies Control Everything You Buy
Google Approves App For Muslims to Report People Who Commit Blasphemy, Insult Islam
One Step Closer: The Legal Expansion of Industrial Hemp
Judenhass: Bundesweite Meldestelle soll antisemitische Übergriffe dokumentieren
Arzneien zur Senkung des Cholesterinspiegels schwächen die Muskeln sowie das Nervensystem
Schlimmer als erwartet

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