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Ein weiches Gehirn für Roboter
First long-distance heart surgery performed via robot
Will AI replace university lecturers? Not if we make it clear why humans matter
Pentagon seeks 'ethicist' to oversee military artificial intelligence | US news | The Guardian
Puzzlegame: "While True: Learn()" im Test 
In diese Projekte fließt das Geld, das die Regierung zur KI-Förderung ausgibt
Verbot von Killer Robotern
Bits & Bäume Saatgut wie Software
Models aus dem Computer: KI-Fotos könnten den Bildermarkt umkrempeln
Machines equal with human experts in medical diagnosis, study finds
Gelähmte können wieder gehen und wir werden immer glücklicher – das Potential moderner Neurotechnologien
Mensch oder Maschine
First AI that sees like a human could lead to automated search and rescue robots, scientists say
AI spotted lung cancer BETTER than expert radiologists, study finds
Künstliche Intelligenz: Forscher lassen die Mona Lisa sprechen
Robot teaches itself to write in languages it's NEVER SEEN before and can even copy a sketch of the Mona Lisa
Unsterbliche Computer: Wie die Religion in den Technikdiskurs Einzug hielt
Israelisches Militär führt im Westjordanland ein KI-basiertes Überwachungssystem ein
Künstliche Intelligenz: Schießbefehle
Künstliche Gehirnzellen
Neurowissenschaft: Widerstand gegen die Wahrheit
Künstliche Intelligenz: Wie viel Rassismus steckt in Algorithmen?
Sprachassistent Q: So klingt eine geschlechtsneutrale Stimme
San Francisco: KI-Tool soll Voreingenommenheit bei Anklagen ausschließen
Digitalisierung Roboter machen uns nicht überflüssig
Scientists develop AI tool to predict where global water conflicts will occur before they happen
Spy used AI to generate a fake Linkedin profile and surveil experts in Washington D.C., report reveals
Can an AI keep you happy at work? Ex-Google team reveal software that 'nudges' workers with messages throughout the day
Creepy AI can guess what you look like just by listening to a short audio clip of your voice
Has AI found a new human ancestor? Evidence of extinct hominid spotted by algorithm suggests Neanderthals commonly bred with other species
AI lets you put words into the mouths of people talking in videos by adding, deleting or rearranging words from a script - but could the technology lead to more creepy deepfakes?
'Mind reading' chip unveiled in China could soon let you control your smartphone or PC with your thoughts
AI can tell if a screen star's best years are behind or in front of them with 85% accuracy
Meet Ai-Da: World's first humanoid robot that is able to draw people from life prepares for its first art exhibition
Adobe unveils new AI that can detect if an image has been 'deepfaked'
Kreislaufbatterie: Robo-Fisch schwimmt dank künstlichem Blutkreislauf
First-Ever Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm with No Implant Needed | Science and Technology
Now Your Phone Can Become A Robot That Does The Boring Work | Science and Technology
Helping Robots Spot Objects Amid Clutter and in Motion
Robot Arm Tastes With Engineered Bacteria | Science and Technology
MIT researchers develop robot that can learn to identify objects based on sight and touch
Programme sagen Zinsen voraus: Computer verstehen Notenbanken besser - n-tv.de
China builds 'the world's first INTELLIGENT oil tanker': Mega vessel has a 'smart' system to manage its 300,000 tonnes of cargo
Robots will take over 20million of the world's manufacturing jobs by 2030, new study predicts
The First AI Simulation of the Universe Is Fast and Accurate — and Even Its Creators Don’t Know How It Works
Künstliche Intelligenz: Bundesregierung schrumpft Finanzplan
The wheelchair you can control with your FACE: Incredible system powered by Intel AI uses facial expressions to guide the chair's movement
BrainNet: How You and Friends Can Play a Game Using Only Thought in Brain to Brain Interface | Science and Technology
Arbeitsmarkt Fachkräfte werden am meisten unter der Digitalisierung leiden
Build 2019: Microsoft promises new 'conversational engine' to make virtual assistants, including Cortana, more useful
AI is changing the entire nature of compute | ZDNet
AI created 3x as many jobs as it killed last year (TechRepublic)
KI: MIT-Forscher stellen probabilistisches Programmiersystem Gen vor | heise online
Tiny Robotic Motor “Walks” to Carry Out Tasks Like Building Bigger Robots 
Roboter pflegen Menschen: eine Frage der Ethik
AI teaches itself to complete the Rubik's cube in just 20 MOVES
Start-up entwickelt KI, die Hunde an ihrer Schnauze erkennt
Robotic traffic policemen equipped with facial recognition cameras start patrolling the streets of China
Schöne neue Welt – Über die Idee der Abschaffung des Menschen
Das Mega-Abenteuer KI
World's creepiest supermodel: How computer avatar Miquela Sousa has starred in adverts for Calvin Klein and Prada, is adored by young fans for her right-on views - and is now worth £100MILLION
Shocking moment a Tesla EXPLODES after 'autopilot failure' saw driver plough into a tow truck in Moscow
Self Healing Robots That "Feel Pain"
Biometrie: Der große Gesichtsverlust
It can read your emotions – but should it?
The program that can tell how you're feeling
Killer-Roboter: Amazon, Microsoft und Palantir am Pranger
Das Potential moderner Neurotechnologien
Bald tragbare Elektronik aus Nylon?
Warum die automatische Gesichtserkennung so gefährlich ist
Wie künstliche Intelligenz Gefühle vermessen soll - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Vladimir Putin's six-foot tall robo-naut Fedor has finally reached the ISS and successfully docked after a failed attempt at the weekend
Don't be Evil? Lethal Autonomous Weapons and Artificial Intelligence. A Survey of the Tech Sector’s Stance - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The US and the Global "Artificial Intelligence" Arms Race - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Neurobiologie: Hirn aus dem Labor
Ich denkender Körper | Telepolis
AI system capable of writing fake news that was deemed 'too dangerous' to release has been made public by two rogue software developers
Can ye understand me Alexa? Smart assistant 'Beeb' that recognises all British regional accents to be launched by the BBC next year
The final piece of the archaeological puzzle: Scientists find a way to bring shattered and ruined ancient artefacts back to life using AI
Meet the Robofly: Wireless insects powered by lasers could soon be scouring disaster areas for survivors and sniffing out gas leaks
Humans will be REPLACED by cyborgs as AI drives the next wave of our species' evolution, futurist predicts
Life-like robots that can make decisions, adapt to their environment and learn are one step closer to becoming reality
Ein weiches Gehirn für Roboter
First long-distance heart surgery performed via robot
Will AI replace university lecturers? Not if we make it clear why humans matter
Pentagon seeks 'ethicist' to oversee military artificial intelligence | US news | The Guardian
Puzzlegame: "While True: Learn()" im Test 
In diese Projekte fließt das Geld, das die Regierung zur KI-Förderung ausgibt
Verbot von Killer Robotern
Bits & Bäume Saatgut wie Software
Models aus dem Computer: KI-Fotos könnten den Bildermarkt umkrempeln
Machines equal with human experts in medical diagnosis, study finds

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