
linxbox .. mixed.. 2019-4..

2019-4 latest links..

Insekten züchten als zweite landwirtschaftliche Revolution
Kenia: Dieses Mädchen will eine Million Bäume pflanzen
Flugtaxis: Unter den Wolken
Waldwirtschaft: Hier entsteht preiswertes Bauholz aus Buche
Shoppers told to avoid North Sea cod and wild Atlantic salmon
The women taking the plastic out of periods
Shoppers told to avoid North Sea cod and wild Atlantic salmon
How worried should we be about microplastics?
How Fossil Fuel Companies Are Killing Plastic Recycling
Why Big Banks Are Accused Of Funding The Climate Crisis

Immer mehr Mini- und Teilzeitjobber
French economists make case for legal marijuana
Rise of 'foodie calls': A THIRD of women have gone on a romantic date just for a free meal, study finds
Young Americans Are Becoming Less Comfortable With LGBTQ People, GLAAD Finds
Gentech-Pilz produziert tödliches Spinnengift
Australian government pays Al Gore $320k to conduct climate training as rare snowfall hits
Male suicide rate in EU member states remains high | Euronews
Studie: Jedem dritten Jugendlichen fehlt der Gemeinschaftssinn
Painful periods cost women NINE DAYS of lost productivity at work each year through 'presenteeism', find scientists
Plan to sell 50m meals made from electricity, water and air | Environment | The Guardian
‘Climate-Change’ Anxiety Is Now A Part Of Growing Up Or Something
Google warnt EU-Staaten vor neuen Digitalsteuern
Statt 40.000 Migranten wurden nur 20 zurückgeschickt
How a quiet Canada town became a world leader in growing weed
Revealed: Almost three-quarters of children looking to change their gender are girls
Why we should learn to embrace feeling hormonal
Look At This Map – It Shows Devastating Crop Losses Are Literally Happening All Over The Globe
Der Flop mit den 100.000 Asylbewerber-Jobs
6,58 Millionen Menschen leben von Arbeitslosengeld oder Hartz-IV-Leistungen
Leftists More Easily Manipulated by TV and Film According to New Survey
#SocialMediaStrike: Wikipedia-Mitgründer ruft zu zweitägigem Social-Media-Verzicht auf
Insect apocalypse: German experts claim bugs are dying off at alarming rates in one of 'Earth's worst extinction phases since the dinosaurs vanished'
15:11 Newsticker Jedes dritte Krankenhaus sperrt Betten auf Intensivstation
Umstrittenes Herbizid: Österreich beschließt Glyphosat-Verbot
Obesity is now a bigger cause of deadly bowel, kidney, liver and ovarian cancer than smoking
Genschere Crispr/Cas9: Erstmals Erreger von HIV aus Erbgut entfernt
“Half the Internet Was Down”: Cloudflare Tanks, Resulting in Millions of Websites Being Shut Down (Video)
Over 90 Percent of Swedes think Islam is incompatible with human rights
Protein from fungi used in Quorn 'builds muscle twice as fast as whey' | Daily Mail Online
Two-Thirds of Palm Oil Consumed in EU is Burned as Energy
Planting a TRILLION trees to build a new forest the size of the United States could trap enough emissions to beat climate crisis, study suggests
Afrika geht voran: in 34 Ländern Plastiktüten verboten
Fachkräftemangel: Polen befreit junge Arbeitnehmer von Einkommenssteuer
Forschung Eine umweltfreundliche Alternative zu Glyphosat? Zucker!
Zensur in China: Unerreichbar
Mehr Hitze aus dem Sonnenlicht
Smoking cannabis 'doubles risk of pregnant women giving birth to their babies prematurely'
Studie: Zuwanderung erfolgt stark in arme Stadtviertel
Dramatic Increase in Solar Cell Output, New Method Could Break Theoretical Limits | Science and Technology
Doctors are to trial new machine that can detect cancer in two minutes with a simple BREATH test
Bertelsmann-Studie: Hälfte der Bevölkerung empfindet den Islam als Bedrohung
Treibstoff aus Müll Sächsische Firma stellt Diesel aus Plastikabfällen her
Statt 1400 deutschlandweit Experten: 600 große Krankenhäuser würden Deutschland reichen
Neue 50-Pfund-Note: Großbritannien würdigt Computerpionier Alan Turing
So wird aus Kohlendioxid ein Wundermaterial
Hitzewellen töteten zwei Drittel aller Korallen
Studie: 2,9 Millionen Haushalte beschäftigen Putzfrau schwarz
OECD: 41 Prozent Langzeiterwerbslose in Deutschland
Neuzulassungen 2017 Top 50 USA - auto motor und sport
Atommüllentsorgung mit neuem Reaktor?
Women as likely to be turned on by sexual images as men – study
Disorder not just a psychiatric problem, scientists find
Medienhype um die Klinikstudie der Bertelsmann-Stiftung
Bertelsmann fordert Kliniksterben
Immer mehr Kommunen verbieten Glyphosat
Look At This Map – It Shows Devastating Crop Losses Are Literally Happening All Over The Globe
“Due To A Poor Harvest Season, We Are Experiencing Shortages On Many Of Our Canned Vegetable Items” | Alternative
Cannabis Addiction Treatment: First Study of Its Kind
Trump drilling leases could create more climate pollution than EU does in a year
Elon Musk's Neuralink unveils effort to build implant that can read your mind
Gesichtserkennung rückt Tieren auf den Pelz
Stürme und Borkenkäfer verursachen Milliardenschäden im Wald
Bombshell: French Court Finds Smart Meters Make You Sick, Demand They Be Removed
Nanofedern zerstören Plastikmüll
Luxembourg to be first European country to legalise drug
Call for Applications: Trump Admin. Supports Community Local Food Initiatives | Survival
Vaccination rate in Germany dangerously low according to new study
Waldsterben 2.0! – EIKE – Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie
Howard Dryden: Save the oceans and we save the planet - YouTube
Putting pigs in the shade: the radical farming system banking on trees
Pesticide widely used in US particularly harmful to bees, study finds
5G Agriculture – Food from Frankenstein Farming - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Denver urban farming trend grows
Process causing rise in methane emissions, study finds
Fracking causing rise in methane emissions, study finds | Environment | The Guardian
Marijuana Legalization Reduces Opioid Deaths
Microplastics ‘significantly contaminating the air’, scientists warn
Microplastics found at profuse levels in snow
Unternehmen verwertet Müll Startup baut Fahrräder aus Kaffeekapseln
Fracking causing rise in methane emissions, study finds
Der Fall Riace: Profitabler als Drogen - taz.de
19 Million Acres Of Farmland Were Not Planted With Crops This Year, According To The Federal Government
'Bees, not refugees': the environmentalist roots of anti-immigrant bigotry | Environment | The Guardian
Women are four times more likely than men to send nude images and 'sext' to keep lovers interested, study finds
Gesundheitssystem: „Die Diagnosen folgen dem Geld“
Bernd Hontschik über das Gesundheitssystem: „Die Diagnosen folgen dem Geld“
Gutachten: Staat rechnet Hartz IV Kinderregelsätze absichtlich zu niedrig
Waldsterben: Selbst ist der Wald | ZEIT ONLINE
Plastic pollution that 'look like rocks and pebbles' have been found littering British beaches and may be leaking LEAD into the environment
Psychedelic Drugs Are Finally Being Used to Treat Depression in US Hospitals | Alternative
WWF: Tierbestände in Wäldern seit 1970 halbiert | ZEIT ONLINE
Prison Organic Gardening Program Reduces Drug and Alcohol Use
Agroecology is Working – But We Need Examples to Inspire Others – Food Tank
Organic Gardening Program in U.K. Prison Reduces Drug Use – Food Tank
Treatment for alcoholism reduces relapse, study suggests
Altersarmut in Deutschland
Children from affluent families are TWICE as likely to drink alcohol as those from poorer backgrounds - and they use drugs more often, reveals major NHS report
Scientists develop a blood test which can predict whether you will die in the next 10 years with more than 80% accuracy
Growing up in air-polluted areas linked to mental health issues
MDMA treatment for alcoholism could reduce relapse, study suggests
Campaigners demand end to fish tethering 'torture' in Taiwan | Environment | The Guardian
Study: Nearly Four-Fifths Of "Gender Minority" Students Have Mental Health Issues
Mikroplastik in Trinkwasser: Wie gefährlich ist das? WHO legt Bericht vor - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Jair Bolsonaro: Brasiliens Präsident beschuldigt Umweltschützer der Brandstiftung - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Energie: Wie Mikroben Methan mit Windstrom produzieren - Golem.de
Es regnet Plastik
Amazonas-Brände: Die Zahlen zur Katastrophe - SPIEGEL ONLINE
A third of Britons think they will be eating insects by 2029
Why don’t doctors trust women? Because they don’t know much about us | Gabrielle Jackson | Books | The Guardian
Eine Kuh ist in etwa so klimaschädlich wie ein Kleinwagen
Klimabetrug: Gerichtsurteil stürzt CO2-Papst vom Thron
Diskussionsbeitrag: Warum die Fridays for Future den Eliten nützen | Anti-Spiegel
A modest proposal indeed: Academia considers cannibalism — RT World News
Forscher zählen immer weniger Vögel in Deutschland - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Forscher wollen nach Tierversuch CRISPR-Schmerztherapie für Menschen entwickeln
Bananen: Schädling Tropical Race 4 in Kolumbien gefährdet beliebte Frucht - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Studie: Krebs wird häufigste Todesursache in reichen Ländern
Suicide rates among women aged 10-24 have reached a record high after an 83% spike in six years, official figures reveal
‘Increased mortality’: 1st generation CRISPR babies will likely die young, scientists warn
Our Future Is Very Cold! Global Warming Is a Lie! | Alternative
Warum Zehntausende Frauen erst über 40 Mutter werden
Girls are BETTER than boys when it comes to exams lasting longer than two hours because they have 'better self-discipline and planning skills'
Plastic is infecting your gut: Average person accidentally ingests more than 73,000 pieces of microplastics every year, damning study reveals
Why arguing with your wife is futile! Women remember specifics like 'who said what' and 'where missing objects are' better than men, research reveals
Gentechnik im Vorbeiflug | Technology Review
How to break YOUR bad love habits for good: From falling for the 'wrong' type to being drawn to married men, Tracey Cox reveals how to put a stop to the cycles that have you stuck in dead-end relationships
Cannabis prohibition doesn't work anywhere. It's New Zealand's turn to legalise it | Helen Clark | Opinion | The Guardian
Grow your own forest: how to plant trees to help save the planet | Environment | The Guardian
Benefits to farmers of global heating outweighed by losses, says report | Environment | The Guardian
Jay Inslee Declares War On Fossil Fuels With Plan To Make Industry Pay For Climate Change | HuffPost
Der weltweite Anbau von Gentech-Pflanzen wächst kaum noch
Solarenergie: umweltschädlich, ineffizient, sozial ungerecht – ScienceFiles
Es droht die Energie-Wende rückwärts - Wirtschaft - Süddeutsche.de
Umweltgefahr: Großbritannien will alte Öl-Bohrinseln in der Nordsee verrotten lassen
Parkinson's hope as scientists uncover yet more evidence that the crippling condition starts in the GUT and moves onto the brain
Schutz bleibt Sache der Frau
Forscher zählen immer weniger Vögel in Deutschland
Atomausstieg: Konzerne fordern 276 Millionen Euro
6,5 Millionen Menschen leben von Arbeitslosengeld oder Hartz-IV-Leistungen
Was die offizielle Arbeitslosenzahl verschweigt: 3,13 Millionen Menschen ohne Arbeit
Genial! Nach Thailand, Vietnam jetzt auch auf den Philippinen – Bananenblätter statt Plastikverpackung! – Supermarkets in Asia are Now Using Banana Leaves Instead of Plastic Packaging
Krankenkassenbericht: Nur die Hälfte der Zweijährigen ist vollständig geimpft
Deep-Sea Octopus Enthralls Scientists With Otherworldy 'Show' | HuffPost
Deep-Sea Octopus Enthralls Scientists With Otherworldy 'Show' | HuffPost
Studie – Im Feinstaub enthaltene kleinste Kohlenstoffpartikel gelangen in die Plazenta- Scientist find air pollution particles in pregnant women’s placenta
Evolution: Hat der weibliche Orgasmus doch einen Sinn?
Waldsterben: Etwa die Hälfte der europäischen Baumarten gefährdet
Neues Bioethik-Gesetz: Frankreich erlaubt künstliche Befruchtung für Lesben und Singles
Plastikfasern: Schonwaschgang belastet die Umwelt
Johnson & Johnson entzieht sich Schmerzmittelprozess mit Vergleich - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Sieben Plattformen dominieren die digitale Welt
Insekten züchten als zweite landwirtschaftliche Revolution
Kenia: Dieses Mädchen will eine Million Bäume pflanzen
Flugtaxis: Unter den Wolken
Waldwirtschaft: Hier entsteht preiswertes Bauholz aus Buche
Shoppers told to avoid North Sea cod and wild Atlantic salmon
The women taking the plastic out of periods
Shoppers told to avoid North Sea cod and wild Atlantic salmon
How worried should we be about microplastics?
How Fossil Fuel Companies Are Killing Plastic Recycling
Why Big Banks Are Accused Of Funding The Climate Crisis | HuffPost

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