linxlist .. health and care 2/2 2016 ..
health n care
- Some Antidepressants Might Actually Be Harmful to Children and Teens
- Pharmafirmen zahlen halbe Mrd Euro an Ärzte und Kliniken
- Wenn Frauen viel arbeiten, werden sie krank. Männer nicht
- The Unsuppresible Truth About Medicinal Cannabidiol (CBD)
- Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About This Cheap and Natural Remedy to Fight Cancer
- Big Pharma is Injecting Us With Cancer Enzymes — Doctors Who Made the Discovery Found Murdered
- Cinnamon's Infection And Diabetes-Fighting Properties Revealed
- Clove and various types of Cinnamon have significant activity against
- The Times calls for decriminalisation of all illegal drugs
- Studie: Akademiker erkranken häufiger an Hirntumoren
linxlist. society 2/2 2016.
linxlists 2016.
- Women as Pawns in the Political War Game
- Cannabis -Marijuana: The “War on Weed” Is Winding Down – But Will Monsanto/Bayer Be the Winner?
- Is this the depressing secret to success? Women wearing low-cut tops are almost TWENTY times more likely to land a job interview
- Ein weiterer verzweifelter Versuch, den Mindestlohn schlechtzureden
linxlists. environment .. 2/2 2016.
- Energiespeicher als Zukunftsthema der Solarbranche
- Bundesregierung bremst Erneuerbare Energien aus
- Streit um Rückbau-Abfälle aus Atomkraftwerken
- Fish show disturbing signs of prescription drug effects
- BaubotanikPflanzen ersetzen Beton
- This Coffee Maker Design Doubles As A ... Mushroom Farm?
- Diese Länder leiden 2040 unter Wassermangel
- So kommt der letzte Tropfen aus der Shampooflasche
linxlist. ai robot. 2016 4/4.
linxlists 2016
How a Facial Recognition Mismatch Can Ruin Your Life
How a Facial Recognition Mismatch Can Ruin Your Life
ai robot 2016 4/4.
our linxlist ...
linxlist. 2016 and beyond .. 2016 4/4.
2016 and beyond ..
hallo und herzlich willkommen zur präsentation der letzten linklisten für das jahr 2016.wie krass sich die situation darstellt und dass es auf keinen fall in absehbarer zeit besser wird, zeigt eine kleine zusammenstellung aus diesem resort, die ich hier zunächst stellvertretend anzeigen möchte.
die nächsten listen werden wie immer in den nächsten tagen eingestellt.
- Lebensversicherungen: Allianz kürzt Zinsen
- Rise Of The Machines: Millions Of American Jobs Will Be Wiped Out In The Next Five Years
- Chinesische Investoren an Einstieg bei Deutscher Bank interessiert
- First it was pollution... now it's RATS! Paris is forced to close tourist attractions including the Eiffel Tower after rodents over-run the city following terrible smog
- Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For First Time In Decades
- Historic UN Vote On Banning Nuclear Weapons Passes Despite US Opposition
- The 'creeping black slime' taking over historic building around the world: Researchers reveal monuments from Washington to Angkor Wat now hit by impossible to remove biofilm
- Stiglitz rechnet mit Zerfall der Eurozone
- Monte dei Paschi: Italienische Bank warnt vor Milliardenrisiken - Aktie stürzt ab - heute vom handel ausgesetzt
also, ähem, also ein schönes weihnachten vorsorglich und so.
bis demnächst.
here is where it gets very small..
hello and welcome,
nowadays we go smaller and smaller into fabrication and manufacturing in 3D. here we have a woow-thing. see the product homepage of the M1 here.
please note our datalists will come from dec 10th to dec 15th. please contcat us for a review for the whole year.
have a nice, very nice xchristmas.
nowadays we go smaller and smaller into fabrication and manufacturing in 3D. here we have a woow-thing. see the product homepage of the M1 here.
please note our datalists will come from dec 10th to dec 15th. please contcat us for a review for the whole year.
have a nice, very nice xchristmas.
ganz doll weich .. neuer robotertyp entwickelt.
hallo und herzlich willkommen,
zu unserer kleinen serie - wie weit soll das gehen?
zu unserer kleinen serie - wie weit soll das gehen?
heute beschäftigt den freundlichen philosophen im ersten video die frage, ob roboter je aus lebendem material gemacht sein werden. und wie .. sehen sie sich den kleinen wurm an .. und dann ... bitte sehr .. weit braucht man nicht zu denken wie man sieht ..
die träume, die themen, alles schon dagewesen. der mensch wird mensch bleiben .. möglich, dass der preis den wir bezahlen werden, mit unserer seele bezahlt werden muss.
also dann.
bis dann ..
pervolarides. prima projekt.
hallo und herzlich willkommen,
hier ist erstmal der komprimierte artikel für den stammtisch ...
Alternative Landwirtschaft politisieren.
zitate/ Gitta Düperthal
Eingeladen hatte letzte woche das globalisierungskritische Netzwerk ATTAC, und berichtet wurde über pervolarides, eine alternative zur kollektiven landwirtschaft.
Dahinter stehe zwar ein anderes Konzept, als es der kapitalistischen Konsumgesellschaft zugrunde liege. Es gelte aber, sich von den weitergehenden Ambitionen des griechischen Projekts inspirieren zu lassen.
Die beschrieb Filippos Polatsidis von »Pervolarides« so: Die Initiative wirke im engen Kreis mit sieben Aktivisten, beziehe aber in offenen Treffen etwa 50 Familien ein. Man habe sich zur »antihierarchischen Form der Selbstversorgung« entschlossen. »Wir sprechen über Emanzipation und Kooperation und müssen auch Leute unterstützen, die nicht mehr für sich selber sorgen können.«
Ziel sei es, durch Austausch Geld als Zahlungsmittel überflüssig zu machen und so der Krise zu begegnen.
Im Projekt werden Olivenöl, Tomatensoße, Marmelade, Honig, Joghurt, Käse hergestellt, berichtete Polatsidis. Man pflanze Gemüse an und beziehe dabei auch Geflüchtete ein.
Für Einheimische und neu Hinzugekommene sammle die Kooperative zudem Reste vom Fischmarkt, Hygieneartikel, Medikamente und anderes, um es zu verteilen.
Damit Griechen und Geflüchtete zusammen auch unbeschwerte Momente genießen könnten, veranstalte man darüber hinaus gemeinsam mit Aktiven der örtlichen Solidarischen Klinik Feste.
Zum politischen Hintergrund: Mehr als eine Million der insgesamt knapp elf Millionen Griechen sind arbeitslos. Viele verließen das Land, um im Ausland einen Job zu suchen, so Polatsidis.
Kleine Landwirtschaftsbetriebe gingen zugrunde, vor allem aufgrund gestiegener Lieferanten- und Zwischenhändlerkosten und wegen der in diesem Jahr auf 23 Prozent erhöhten Mehrwertsteuer.
Das Land sei zur »Kolonie der Europäischen Union degradiert«.Wohin man schaue, werde privatisiert, die Lage der Menschen sei desaströs.
Projekte wie »Pervolarides« gäben in dieser Lage Hoffnung: »Obwohl wir unseren Kampf ausgerechnet unter der linken Syriza verloren haben. Es bleibt, dass viele Leute sich politisiert haben.«Die Initiative helfe auch, um »psychosoziales Verelenden« zu verhindern.
Die »Transition-Town-Bewegung« und die Initiative Solawi berichteten von der Lage in Deutschland. Auch hier gehe das Höfesterben um. Darum gelte es, das Unternehmerrisiko gemeinsam mit den Bauern zu tragen.
Karen Schewina schilderte das Prinzip der solidarischen Landwirtschaft am Beispiel der Kooperation von Städtern mit einem Hof in Egelsbach bei Darmstadt. Kai Kotzian schilderte, wie regionale Initiativen mit dem Einsparen von Transportwegen ein »CO2-freies Frankfurt« schaffen könnten.
»Von Griechenland lernen heißt, sich zu einer politisierten Bewegung zu entwickeln und sich nicht spalten zu lassen.« So resümierte eine Teilnehmerin eine Veranstaltung, die am Donnerstag abend in Frankfurt am Main stattfand. Selbstkritischer Konsens der Diskutanten: Es reiche nicht, wenn Initiativen wie Solawi in Darmstadt oder Frankfurt das Ziel umsetzten, dass sich mehrere Privathaushalte die Kosten eines landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs und seiner Produkte teilten.
soweit erstmal. die inhalte für die grünen links stell ich bis morgen ein. die roten sachen, naja ... keine politik, keine co2mega-projekte und besser höfesterben, gemüsebau, etc, mit flüchtlings- und integrationshilfe verbinden.
cu. bis morgen.
settling on sea. winning water for farms.
over the history of mankind we came to a point now, when eighty percent of worlds population live by and from the sea. increasing pollution and overpopulation make life on these shores more and more difficult, endangered by hunger and poverty for former fishermen.
to win new land we must therefore go offshore, which basically means installing megastructures, made maybe of former tankers and cargoships to setup living quarters, preinstalled factories aboard and farms for fish in tanks and plants in giant container cities in and on cargoships. by using the swimming island technology very large areas on shore could be converted back to worthliving conditions, socially and environmentally.
in and around asian megacities like singapore and hongkong there are experiments winning agricultural space even in underwaterfarms for potatoes and tomatoes. what would be more natural than setting up farms and factories out to megastructures off shore, close to land, combined with swimming island technology. to the right we see a photo of an artificial island close to fukushima for waste processing, which is pretty high-tech. due to the hanjjiin collapse it is more than obvious that there is more capacity to transport than goods to transport and that just decommisioning hundreds of cargoships would ease the market.
fishfarms do more harm than good as we all know. filtering water and hygiene are poor standard all over and food and medication reach disgusting levels. as we can see in the picture the water is full of feces and an oily slime from the fish. but these fish could be held in tanks above the water line, filtered seawater in and out and fishfarming on vertebrate standard. on the other hand the farm could produce more valuable goods than just salmon or crabs. much more varieties could be bred in those tanks. algae and plankton could be harvested and processed as a byproduct of filtering and cleaning the seawater. windenergy and the fabrication of turbines on board can be another possibilty to bring energy, electricity to not only the farms and factories, but also to the settlements on shore.
a couple of wealthy entrepreneurs have undertaken the business putting small vertical containerfarms into neighbourhoods in germany and america and I guess it will not take long until investors take on seabased food production in and around prominent spots. hopefully this will bring not just farmwork, but technology and manufacturing as well. these island have been built and tested by google years ago and it is sure worth some research what happened to the seamonsters. here is another video to show the developments after hurricane kathrina.
in and around asian megacities like singapore and hongkong there are experiments winning agricultural space even in underwaterfarms for potatoes and tomatoes. what would be more natural than setting up farms and factories out to megastructures off shore, close to land, combined with swimming island technology. to the right we see a photo of an artificial island close to fukushima for waste processing, which is pretty high-tech. due to the hanjjiin collapse it is more than obvious that there is more capacity to transport than goods to transport and that just decommisioning hundreds of cargoships would ease the market.
fishfarms do more harm than good as we all know. filtering water and hygiene are poor standard all over and food and medication reach disgusting levels. as we can see in the picture the water is full of feces and an oily slime from the fish. but these fish could be held in tanks above the water line, filtered seawater in and out and fishfarming on vertebrate standard. on the other hand the farm could produce more valuable goods than just salmon or crabs. much more varieties could be bred in those tanks. algae and plankton could be harvested and processed as a byproduct of filtering and cleaning the seawater. windenergy and the fabrication of turbines on board can be another possibilty to bring energy, electricity to not only the farms and factories, but also to the settlements on shore.
we have interesting developments building offshore megastructures all over the world to set foot on waters and one example is the japanese airport . kansai ..
a couple of wealthy entrepreneurs have undertaken the business putting small vertical containerfarms into neighbourhoods in germany and america and I guess it will not take long until investors take on seabased food production in and around prominent spots. hopefully this will bring not just farmwork, but technology and manufacturing as well. these island have been built and tested by google years ago and it is sure worth some research what happened to the seamonsters. here is another video to show the developments after hurricane kathrina.
pls find more links below ..
gute nachrichten. besser ist besser.
hallo und herzlich willkommen,
heute wieder auf deutsch und zum thema ällabäätsch.
wir hatten in unserer kleinen serie hurra. hurra. hurra. über die vorgänge rund um das ehemalige heim des grossen denkerfürsten kant berichtet und es war allgemein klar, dass überlegenes denken, das einsetzen eines grossen geistes und dazu die entsprechende erfahrung, über das bloss gelernte hinaus, zu grosstaten befähigt. die geste des russischen präsidenten, ein an sich unbedeutendes detail, das wahrscheinlich irgendeiner persönlichen marotte entspringt, so wie andere fussballvereine erwerben, diese geste jedoch zeigt die stärke einer soliden ausbildung, ein gerüttelt mass an erfahrung, was umsetzbar ist und gelungener planung. da ist eben auch mal für ein kleines hobby zeit.
philosophy alive.
sources report of the extraordinary work of the philosopher William Sims Bainbridge. as the report says he uses platforms like adventure games online to bring some different simulated characters to play and argument. the report also includes the fundamental contributions of mr. bainbridge. indeed a very good summary and as a tool for semi-intelligent systems or future systems with an artificial mind it is as hot as it is new in science, philosophy and last but not least in politics. we could ask the "perfect" republican, the anarchist, the cold warrior, the socio-path. until then we could setup a few "sort of smart" characters to play out for a dual use smart weapons project, with a huge black budget and experts from all over the world to create an elite health care expert character for big pharma and to morally support doctors and nurses. smart? we could also turn healthcare systems from all over the world into characters and simulate on an average world citizen patient. we could end up with an exciting simulation of ww3, maybe so phantastic that the real one is obsolete.
friendship forest. success story.
hello and welcome,
here is news from the collaboration/cooperation series. it is a wonderful thing to see these two men. see one dig holes and the other carrying waterbuckets. and then listen to their wise words. their simple insights and their providence. and to watch their dedication and their endurance.
update. societies in the future.
update. society 2016. jun-aug
- Women as Pawns in the Political War Game
- Cannabis -Marijuana: The “War on Weed” Is Winding Down – But Will Monsanto/Bayer Be the Winner? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
- Is this the depressing secret to success? Women wearing low-cut tops are almost TWENTY times more likely to land a job interview
- Ein weiterer verzweifelter Versuch, den Mindestlohn schlechtzureden
- A gaggle of girls makes a chap more desirable: Research shows women go for men who has female friends
update. ai robot linkslist 2016.
- AI ROBOT 2016/I-3
- monthly picks jun- aug
- Artificial muscles that mimic human muscles could let machines move like humans | Daily Mail Online
- Could computers diagnose cancer? Artificial intelligence shown to spot early signs of a tumour with 92 per cent accuracy
- From drone delivered pizzas to avatar dating: Brits predict how technology will take over our lives in the next 20 years
- Toyota will build AI cars within five years: 'Smart vehicles' could teach themselves to avoid accidents and save lives
no more stories.
diesmal wieder was in deutsch und zum thema kommunikation. aus unserer kleinen serie "keine geschichten mehr."
heute soll es um unsere situation in der presse gehen, der freien presse, den alternativen medien und den lügen im video. dieses video unten zeigt einmal mehr, was ich meine, mit keine geschichten mehr. die leute sollten die wahrheit sagen. das haben doch alle immer gewusst. diese frau hat einen entscheidendenden fall in diesem video angeführt. den fall der jungen dame, die wegen medikamenten zum psychiatriefall wurde und die sich am ende das leben nahm. so, no more bullshit.
wir haben hier in deutschland einen fall gehabt, indem sich 70 % der ärzte haben entschuldigen lassen, als es sich um die veröffentlichung ihrer daten zur zusammenarbeit mit den pharmafirmen ging. mittlerweile weiss jeder, dass da etwas nicht stimmen kann. irgendetwas faul ist, etwas sagen wir stinkt. die ärzteschaft insgesamt ist im ansehen beschädigt. ...
die wahrheit sagen, das haben wir schon immer gewusst. uns enstprechend zu verhalten, dass haben wir auch immer schon gewusst. irgendwie. wir haben auch gewusst, dass man irgendwie gestraft wird für seine fehler, das man nicht ungestraft davon kommt, auch wenn einem lange nichts oder nie was passiert. jetzt ist etwas passiert, die gesamte ärzteschaft steht belämmert da, jeder arzt ist auf einmal einer von "denen", möglicherweise. das ist die strafe.
die wahrheit sagen, das haben wir schon immer gewusst. uns enstprechend zu verhalten, dass haben wir auch immer schon gewusst. irgendwie. wir haben auch gewusst, dass man irgendwie gestraft wird für seine fehler, das man nicht ungestraft davon kommt, auch wenn einem lange nichts oder nie was passiert. jetzt ist etwas passiert, die gesamte ärzteschaft steht belämmert da, jeder arzt ist auf einmal einer von "denen", möglicherweise. das ist die strafe.
in den letzten tagen sind immer mehr leute mit harten nachrichten an die öffentlichkeit getreten, die topstars der szene haben höchstleistung vollbracht, die hits findet ihr unten, wenn sie noch im netz sind.
man kann jetzt von den verbreiteten wahrheiten halten was man will, man kann die, die sei aussprechen für einzelstimmen halten oder nicht. was man auf gar keinen fall mehr kann, ist es letzendlich, zuzusehen, wie immer mehr anfangen keine geschichten mehr zu erzählen und bei der wahrheit zu bleiben, wen man schon einen fehler gemacht hat oder eben mitgemacht hat
was man dann auf gar keinen fall mehr kann ist so zu tun als wüssten die anderen es nicht. und man kann dann irgendwann nicht mehr so tun als könne man sich so verhalten, als wüsste man selbst von nichts. irgendwie nichts von sich selbst.
wer sich gerne mal mit der situation in der amerikanischen presselandschaft befassen möchte, kann hier einen beitrag finden. den link folgen anklicken. und gut is.
By Matt Patterson (Newsweek Columnist — Opinion Writer)
Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and phenomenon, the result of a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages. How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world’s largest economy, direct the world’s most powerful military, execute the world’s most consequential job?
link folgen ..
hurra. hurra. hurra.
hallo und herzlich willkommen,
das werden wir herausfinden.
an diesem wunderschönen tag im heute
bis dann.
was für ein schöner tag, wie schön geht da die sonne auf, wie hell und hoch schaut unser himmel auf das neue sonnenlicht. also. heute mal wieder auf deutsch und zum thema kunst und wissenschaft.
es ist eine kunst in zeiten des wahnsinns und des terrors das verfallene haus des geistesfürsten des abendlandes aus der privatschatulle reparieren zu lassen.
es zeigt sich wieder einmal, dass es nicht schaden kann, wenn man als russischer präsident einige jahre seiner dienstzeit in deutschland gearbeitet hat.
und einmal mehr zeigt sich, was die russische seele mit der deutschen seele verbindet. es ist das trennende. das trennen. wäre kant schopenhauer müsste man jetzt denken können. wunsch und wirklichkeit unterscheiden zu können. wirklichkeit enthält das deutsche wort wirken. und ein haus aufzubauen bewirkt mehr als ein haus einzureissen. während die deutscle kanzlerin das haus europa zerstört, baut der russische präsident ein haus für den europäisch aufgeklärten geist auf. was ist da los?
das werden wir herausfinden.
an diesem wunderschönen tag im heute
bis dann.
keine geschichten mehr.
hallo und herzlich willkommen,
diesmal wieder was in deutsch und zum thema kommunikation.
in der struktur der knowledge.engine spielen bausteine fast wie meme eine grosse rolle, weil in der entwicklung von halbwegs intelligenten systemen, der representation und bei der auswertung und berechnung von gespeichertem wissen, die forscher und entwickler sich im lauf der zeit moden unterworfen und die entwicklung in einzelnen abschnitten in der geschichte dominiert haben, wie beispielsweise denken in frames und slots, in netzen aller art, spingläsern und jetzt deeplearnern, um mal ins jetzt überzuleiten. diese strukturen finden sich überall im ai-universum und offenbar könnten sie auch ein hinweis auf einen umstand sein, mit dessen hilfe man irgendwann telepathisch miteinander kommunizieren kann. natürlich mit engine und scanner. später mit magnetmütze und brille.
total recall.
hello and welcome,
in the last weeks we have seen more terror in the history over europe than ever before with such span. the impact on europe and on the affections of its inhabitants is distorting. still old remedies shall tackle the selfcreated demons, cruelty and hate. we see more police, we see soldiers on beaches and we see more dead children and male and female victims on all sides. if we compare numbers and figures now, in the aftermath of what in europe you must call the beginning of a greater wave of terror, with the daily numbers and figures from afghanistan or syrian or iraqui territory, we can take and we must take this for granted.
french and british, russians and us america are all present in a new, but somehow well as very old script, lets say plot, similar to ancient texts. all artificial intelligence, the most sophisticated systems in the world, designed for warfare on all levels, in a minority-report-style scenario, the cream of radical selftransforming systems has not detected that the best way to end this nonsense has been discussed lengthily not only in war games, the movie, but as a fixterm in peace management. and I guess even the bible mentions it.
insect farming. food for the future.
hello and welcome,
even if we collect and farm all the different varieties in the seed vaulft we will damage our environment, feeding so many people and transporting these goods is one of the main reasons. what is needed is a permaculture of urban and indoor farming systems. we have to adapt our stored knowledge to the new needs and necessities or perish.
the answer is a design system combining steps in an urban farming and highly populated area. small, but many. insects are part of the solution, aquaponics and mushroom farming as well. these components mounted on different rooftops or close to each other in smaller urban communities, round schools and sports arenas can provide food production on an industrial scale.
next time soon.
here is news for the farmers of the future. see for yourself, here is some additional info on mail-online.
this thing really does look futuristic and some features seem so far away from what the public is used to, it seems alien and cold.
even if we collect and farm all the different varieties in the seed vaulft we will damage our environment, feeding so many people and transporting these goods is one of the main reasons. what is needed is a permaculture of urban and indoor farming systems. we have to adapt our stored knowledge to the new needs and necessities or perish.
the environment will soon be poisened to a dregree that outdoor farming, growing and gardening will not be possible anymore. the oceans are full of microplastic and the air is polluted with geoengineering chemicals.
the answer is a design system combining steps in an urban farming and highly populated area. small, but many. insects are part of the solution, aquaponics and mushroom farming as well. these components mounted on different rooftops or close to each other in smaller urban communities, round schools and sports arenas can provide food production on an industrial scale.
here is more from the article at mail-online..
next time soon.
update. ai robot linkslist 2016.
- AI ROBOT 2016/I-2
- monthly picks jan-jun
- neural network-based AI inside weapons
- Google Smart Reply has an AI neural network
- Google unveils RankBrain AI to handle queries its never seen before | Daily Mail Online
- Skynet Lives! Google RankBrain Is A Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Which ‘Loves’ Stephen Hawking And Elon Musk
- Facebook reveals plans for artificial intelligence software that can run your life and 'help you understand the world'
- Google Smart Reply has an AI neural network
- The Orphan I.Q. Dilemma: Brain Plasticity and Environmental Enrichment
- Minority Report-style software predicts when and where crimes will take place: System uses web feeds to identify hotspots
- Why First Contact is Most Likely to Be Machines -- Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) | Alternative
- ConceptNet AI has same IQ as a 4-year-old and is getting smarter
step by step. building process training model.
hi folks.
for our small set of instructional videos, to
build earthships and other farming and growing structures. ...
here is some video with a first class depiction of the tools, the methods and finish of a custommade aquaponics greenhouse. it shows the exact way how to setup and build different growbeds and apply different growing methods as well as necessary skills and techniques.
keep in mind to extract manuals for training and setting up curricula and tests for the various types of craftsmanship. it would be conveniant to downbreak the process model into different classes working in parallel... cu. soon.
see demonstration videos for ...
see demonstration videos for ...
found. aquaponics playlist.
aquaponics playlist von jaycbl.
note . during the internet research on our topic iaccidentally found a series the way i like to produce the training videos. would like to see the playlist for our team project detailed in the same way. the playlist up to now are mere collection of samples. have fun with his.
note . during the internet research on our topic iaccidentally found a series the way i like to produce the training videos. would like to see the playlist for our team project detailed in the same way. the playlist up to now are mere collection of samples. have fun with his.
found. new tools. imindq.
sehr erfreulich - liefert ausgezeichnete produkte ab.-genau geht es um aimapping.net.! bravo! chapeau!-
hier gibt es neuigkeiten zu seavus einem internationalen team von entwicklern, die im lauf der jahre einiges an erfahrung im bereich mindmapping, projectmapping erworben und andere verwandte techniken softwaremässig unterstützt haben.
hier gibt es neuigkeiten zu seavus einem internationalen team von entwicklern, die im lauf der jahre einiges an erfahrung im bereich mindmapping, projectmapping erworben und andere verwandte techniken softwaremässig unterstützt haben.
news. freelancer. businessplatform.
here is news from our -societies in the future- series.
we have a new freelancer businessplatform, called freelancer.
: )
here is news from our -societies in the future- series.
we have a new freelancer businessplatform, called freelancer.
: )
some author mentioned that in the future the people will have two or three or even more "jobs in different sectors of the business community. but that the people of this future will not stigmatize their "jobs" as work.
platforms like freelancer may be the future to a compartmentalized workforce smoothly working together.
cu. next time.
breakthrough. dubai. 3D.
breakthrough. dubai. 3D.
hello and welcome,
to 3D world series.
here are the news.
on twitter we found chinhua news
with a report on the first 3D printed building in dubai. this seems to be quite impressive and one can think maybe a new industrial architecture trend will follow. if these things can be stapled and extended to be used as integrated garden workspace.
nice a thing.
well. cu.
maybe this could be some inspiration
from one of the greatest artist of our time.
hello and welcome,
to 3D world series.
here are the news.
on twitter we found chinhua news
with a report on the first 3D printed building in dubai. this seems to be quite impressive and one can think maybe a new industrial architecture trend will follow. if these things can be stapled and extended to be used as integrated garden workspace.
nice a thing.
well. cu.
maybe this could be some inspiration
from one of the greatest artist of our time.
over a period of 25 years edward james built, in las pozas, and built entirely out of concrete, a fantastic surrealist city/sculpture garden called “Las Pozas” (The Pools), at a personal cost of over 5 million dollars. Eventually Las Pozas was comprised of over 36 huge concrete sculptures, including a concrete grove of bamboo over 60 feet high and multi-story “buildings” in the shape of plants with a river running through them.
extended mindmap. earthships settlements. training and teambuilding.
hello and welcome,
to a new issue of our experimental attempt to rebuild syria and qualify refugees and migrants, thus making them an educated bilingual workforce and gaining livingspace for german families as well. please have a look and send further ideas and contributions.
to a new issue of our experimental attempt to rebuild syria and qualify refugees and migrants, thus making them an educated bilingual workforce and gaining livingspace for german families as well. please have a look and send further ideas and contributions.
click on image to enlarge new mindmap. |
cu. soon with an extended list for organization and collaboration with addresses and telephone contacts of state authorities and possible cooperation partners for cooperation and training.
brainstorm . rebuild syria, qualify refugees and migrants.
to a new issue of our main topic: future life and societies in the future.
meaning, not to get used to destruction, but to rebuild patiently.
although the text itself is centered around building up dialogue between
christians and moslems, it is a nice coincidence that the pope talks
about rebuilding, while our project is to rebuild syria and other
countries hit by the arab spring.
here is what we have, what we need and what we can offer in a little instant mindmap. the basic idea is to recruit volunteers for a high tech initiative, qualify them on the job, while stepwise setting up training materials and everything else to educate them, set up a little industry around the building of earthships and cooperate with anybody interested in this high tech initiative.
in another blog we will describe in detail, what we intend to do, provide educational videos, a method to select the very members of effective building teams, how to qualify them and how to integrate german authorities, local businesses and german volunteers. how to set up school after school for this puprpose and furthermore how we can create living space for germans in these villages built to train the immigrants for rebuilding syria and other destroyed countries. please feel free to contribute.
read more here:
here is what we have, what we need and what we can offer in a little instant mindmap. the basic idea is to recruit volunteers for a high tech initiative, qualify them on the job, while stepwise setting up training materials and everything else to educate them, set up a little industry around the building of earthships and cooperate with anybody interested in this high tech initiative.
in another blog we will describe in detail, what we intend to do, provide educational videos, a method to select the very members of effective building teams, how to qualify them and how to integrate german authorities, local businesses and german volunteers. how to set up school after school for this puprpose and furthermore how we can create living space for germans in these villages built to train the immigrants for rebuilding syria and other destroyed countries. please feel free to contribute.
read more here:
brainstorm. cooperation and collaboration.
hello and welcome,
to our series how to rebuild syria with 21st-century technology and a sustainable food production. as well as off-grid energy and communication gear.
over the last few issues in our little series, we were starting off with all kinds of obstacles, prejudice and pessimism. we then developped a toolbox to derive demands to the training methods and the skills and manners, which shall be the basis for our approach to make inclusion and teamwork among sexes and religions a main task in the construction teams.
one of the last point we were working on was a brainstorming referring to state authorities, administrations, donors, peoples projects and so on ready to be possibly integrated. here is our preliminary list as a mindmap:
the next step in this strain of action should be finding the names of the very organizations and corresponding, the list of coworkers, partners and contacts and their telephone numbers and internet infrastructure. help is welcome...
in the next issue we will discuss the basic technologies, the additional manufactoring infrastructure and the different stages of building the various structures, like farms, vegetable farms, community centers and living areas. alltogether developping a modular, simple and adaptive system for regional weather phenomena and foremost purpose.
to our series how to rebuild syria with 21st-century technology and a sustainable food production. as well as off-grid energy and communication gear.
over the last few issues in our little series, we were starting off with all kinds of obstacles, prejudice and pessimism. we then developped a toolbox to derive demands to the training methods and the skills and manners, which shall be the basis for our approach to make inclusion and teamwork among sexes and religions a main task in the construction teams.
one of the last point we were working on was a brainstorming referring to state authorities, administrations, donors, peoples projects and so on ready to be possibly integrated. here is our preliminary list as a mindmap:
the next step in this strain of action should be finding the names of the very organizations and corresponding, the list of coworkers, partners and contacts and their telephone numbers and internet infrastructure. help is welcome...
in the next issue we will discuss the basic technologies, the additional manufactoring infrastructure and the different stages of building the various structures, like farms, vegetable farms, community centers and living areas. alltogether developping a modular, simple and adaptive system for regional weather phenomena and foremost purpose.
a world full of magical beauty and state of the art technology.
hello and welcome,
here is a video of what is the outcome. villages consisting of three to fifty units, housing up to150 families, indoor gardens, comunity centers, kindergardens, maybe private schools, small hospitals and workshops.
situation for europeans and refugees and transfer knowledge, skills, techno- logy, methods of inclusion and reorganization, as well as providing living space, food production and a different approach to organize refugee housing projects. in the mindmap to the right some of the problems and some of the corresponding solutuions are already brought to you. feel free to contribute your ideas and send us a mail with your own mindmap and ideas. you can use text2map. or mindmup. the latter is meanwhile part of the apps you can connect to the googlesystem and store on your google drive.
here is a video of what is the outcome. villages consisting of three to fifty units, housing up to150 families, indoor gardens, comunity centers, kindergardens, maybe private schools, small hospitals and workshops.
from a world without hope to a world full of magical beauty.
hello and welcome,
to this new little series to find an archimedes point in a project to rebuild syria
employing and training syrian immigrants and modern technology to develop measures against flaws and costs of the merkel project: "wir schaffen das." up over the paragraphs you can find the expressed fears and doubts of people working alongside the project. here we could start our phantasies journey...
employing and training syrian immigrants and modern technology to develop measures against flaws and costs of the merkel project: "wir schaffen das." up over the paragraphs you can find the expressed fears and doubts of people working alongside the project. here we could start our phantasies journey...
"we do not have enough teachers. "
there is a lot of fuss how to integrate, educate and train the so-called asylumseekers. we have a lot a projects and agencies working on that topic, but one thing is clear: we do not have enough teachers. not enough teachers to tech them sufficiently german, not enough teachers, who are able to fill the gap which exists between a college education in syria and a college education in europe. most of them are simply spoken not qualified for western standards and one number says that 0.09 percent of them do indeed represent a specialist and expert according to western standards. that may be the reason that
"the kaliphate is definitely their dream."
furthermore, most of these immigrants do indeed believe that a non-believer in their eyes is somewhat like an enemy and many of the europeans have not yet understood the strategy the islamic state and other organizations who are working to establish the kaliphate are applying. their strategy is based on percentages. percentages and time. on provocation and propaganda.
latest news. chatbots to come. deep learning toolbox.
hello and welcome,
to a list of topics in the discussion.
- Können Computer Bewußtsein entwickeln
- Künstliche Intelligenz bei Microsoft: Cortana, wir müssen reden...
- Microsoft: Twitter-Bot Tay - vom Hipstermädchen zum Hitlerbot
- Sexist, racist and Holocaust denying: Microsoft rues day it plugged its artificial intelligence programme into Twitter to learn how young people speak.
- Joseph Weizenbaum – Wikipedia
- AlphaGo | Google DeepMind
- Radical breakthrough stores digital pictures in DNA for first time - and could revolutionise computer storage
- Die Chatbots kommen
- Facebook F8: Chatbots als Interface der Zukunft?
- Consciousness is 'like streaming a film in our brain': How our minds process the world as a series of 'bite-sized slices' edited together
- The bots are coming! Mark Zuckerberg shows off Facebook's smart AI assistants and says smart augmented reality glasses will be available 'within a decade'
- Incredible 'brain dictionary' reveals how our minds understand language: Model shows the exact locations where we store thousands of words until we need them
- Biohackers are turning to the black market for BRAIN implants: Risky surgery could allow humans to become mind readers
- The brain dictionary - YouTube
- Global Clean Water Desalination Alliance
- Futurologist Dr Ian Pearson says technology is causing humans to 'evolve'
expert tools. the KE101 knowledge engine.
here is information about a tool named knowledge enginge KE1.09. it is used to generate expert systems within a graphical rule editor and an inference machine for rules based systems and probability networks. in german.
with this knowledge engine experts may store their knowledge in an access-database and distribute it over the intenet. the knowlege is protected, but accessible after commercial exchange. nowadays the opencog organisation has a similar approach based on an opensource code and these tokens.
with this knowledge engine experts may store their knowledge in an access-database and distribute it over the intenet. the knowlege is protected, but accessible after commercial exchange. nowadays the opencog organisation has a similar approach based on an opensource code and these tokens.
dating back to 1995 for windows95 and windows NT there is support up to windows XP. free download. based on an apple macintosh GUI earlier from 1988. the system has a history as a mobile assistant on thinkpads and knowledge pads by toshiba and ibm and is optimized for internetsearch there. the system uses .mdb databases and protects valuable enterprise knowledge. it supports internet collaboration and all protocols.the engine ke1.09 runs also up to windows7, windows10 and a special version on windows vista.
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